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Questions to Ask During Your NDIS Planning Meeting | Oppia Health Services

Questions to Ask During Your NDIS Planning Meeting

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) gives funding for disability support services  to eligible Australians for them to achieve independence in daily activities and engage in the community. Those who have been granted access have an NDIS Plan. This plan determines what the participant’s goals are and what disability support is needed in order to achieve them. 

A planning meeting with a planner will be scheduled with you for the formulation of your NDIS Plan. Because understanding the NDIS can be quite difficult, get ready to ask and discuss the following questions with your planner:

1. How will the plan be sent to me?

At your planning meeting, tell your Planner how you’d like to receive your plan. You can have it mailed or emailed. If your disability prevents you from reading it, you can request it to be in audio format or in Braille. Take the opportunity to check your details like your complete address or email address and well as your other general information details

2. Will it matter if I don’t have a computer at home or an email account?

If you do not have a computer or an email account, it is important to inform your planner so that they can adjust how they can send the plan and other documents and communicate with you. 

Having access to the internet and having an email account can be advantageous though. You can easily access information about the NDIS online through the NDIS portal. You can also find and manage your funding online through the online portal. But this requires having an email account. If you are able to get funds for support coordination for your plan, then a support coordinator will be able to assist with access to the NDIS Portal.

3. How can I contact you after this meeting?

There may be questions that you might forget to ask the planner during the meeting. You might also need to send additional requirements or important information to your planner. Before the meeting ends, ensure that you have the planner’s name, email address, and other contact details.

4. Can I review the plan before it is finalized?

The NDIS does not usually allow participants to review the plan after the final planning meeting. Once your NDIS plan is complete, your planner will call you to inform you and also go over the funding that has been granted. The plan will then be sent to you afterwards.

5. When will I receive my final plan?

Expect to receive your final plan between 2 days and one month from the date of your final planning meeting. Clarify the timeframe from your planner

6. What if there are errors in my plan or I am not happy with it?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has a process for requesting review. Check your plan fully once you receive it and make sure that everything is clear and that you understand it. If you think that the plan will not work to meet your needs and goals, you can request a review.

7. Who can help me to understand my plan? 

You can ask your Local Area Coordinator, Support Coordinator (if you have one) or NDIS service provider to understand the disability services you will be receiving and how much fund is allocated for them.

8. Can I be funded for support coordination?

Support Coordinators assist participants to understand and implement their plan. Funding for Support Coordination may be possible with your NDIA plan however not all are eligible for this funding. You need to discuss the requirements with your Planner to see if you are eligible.

Questions to Ask During Your NDIS Planning Meeting Second | Oppia Health Services

Oppia Health Services: The NDIS Provider You Can Count On!

After receiving your NDIS plan, the next step is to find the right NDIS providers for disability care for you. Oppia Health Services is made up of a team of competent and compassionate professionals that offer excellent disability support services in Melbourne. With our wide range of top-notch services like support coordination, respite care, accommodation tenancy, assist-life stage, assist personal activities, and assist travel, we’ll certainly help you achieve your goals.

Connect with us today and let’s make the most out of your NDIS journey!

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